Celestia Airdrop: Get in on the Action

If you’ve been keeping an eye on the ever-evolving world of blockchain, you might have heard of Celestia. They’re not just another player in the game; they’re leading the charge when it comes to revolutionizing blockchain technology. In this article, we’ll dive into what Celestia is all about and get the lowdown on their groundbreaking Genesis Drop.

What in the Blockchain Universe is Celestia?

Celestia isn’t your run-of-the-mill blockchain protocol. It’s a game-changer, thanks to its innovative architecture. What sets it apart? The separation of the data availability layer from the execution layer. This means Celestia can scale blockchains like a pro without compromising security or decentralization.

According to their official website, Celestia is described as “a modular consensus and data network, built to enable anyone to easily deploy their own blockchain with minimal overhead.” Sounds impressive, right? But it gets better.

With Celestia, you can have your very own blockchain up and running in no time. You get to customize applications, tap into dynamic scaling, and even create sovereign rollups—a fancy term for a self-governing blockchain with minimal platform risk. This approach is poised to redefine how we create and interact with decentralized applications (dApps).

The Genesis Drop: A Rare Opportunity

Now, here’s where things get exciting. Celestia is gearing up for its Genesis Block, set to make its grand entrance later this year. To celebrate this milestone, they’re throwing a massive airdrop party, and you’re invited.

In this airdrop extravaganza, Celestia is generously giving away a whopping 60 million TIA tokens. This is your chance to snag a piece of the action and become a part of the Celestia project.

Who’s on the Guest List?

The guest list for the Celestia Genesis Drop is pretty extensive. A total of 7,579 developers and 576,653 onchain addresses on Ethereum rollups, Cosmos Hub, and Osmosis have received their golden tickets. If you’re one of them, here’s what you need to know.

To secure your spot in this exclusive event, all you have to do is add your wallet address to the Celestia genesis block. And the best part? The tokens you claim during the Genesis Drop will be right there in your wallet from the very first block. Talk about instant gratification!

Are You Eligible?

Now, let’s talk eligibility. The Celestia airdrop is all about giving back to the community, and they have specific categories of users in mind:

1. Research and Public Goods Enthusiasts

  • Public GitHub contributors who have contributed to public goods and key protocol infrastructure of Ethereum, rollups, Bitcoin, and Cosmos.
  • Public GitHub contributors to Ethereum Improvement Proposals and Bitcoin Improvement Proposals.
  • Contributors who have made a mark in Eth Research as topic creators and posters.

2. Early Modular Ecosystem Supporters

  • Public GitHub contributors to the organizations and key repositories featured at Modular Summits 1 & 2, as well as those listed in Celestia’s most recent ecosystem map (as of July 2023).
  • The first cohort of Modular Fellows.

3. Early Adopters of Ethereum Rollups

  • If you’re among the top 50% of active users on the top 10 rollups by TVL (Total Value Locked) on L2 Beat, you’re in.

4. Stakers and IBC Relayers on Cosmos Hub and Osmosis

  • Stakers who have staked at least $75, allocated by stake and onchain activity.
  • IBC relayers are also on the guest list.

The first two categories mentioned above will receive an airdrop of 20 million TIA each, while Celestia is generously allocating 20 million TIA to each of the other two categories.

How to Claim Your Tokens

If you find yourself fitting into one of these categories and want to grab your slice of the airdrop cake, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Head over to the Celestia Genesis Drop website.
  2. Register your wallet address for whitelisting.

But remember, time is of the essence. This exclusive window closes on October 17, 2023. Once the curtain falls on this limited-time offer, the tokens will be sent directly to the wallets of eligible participants, timed perfectly with the mainnet’s launch.

And here’s a little bonus nugget: After the Genesis Drop, any unclaimed tokens, up to a staggering 45 million TIA, will find their way into the pockets of developers and accounts with submitted addresses.

So, there you have it, folks. Celestia’s blazing a trail in the blockchain world, and you have a golden opportunity to join them on this exciting journey. Don’t miss out on your chance to claim your share of the Genesis Drop—it’s a crypto adventure you won’t want to skip!

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Prateek Shukla
Prateek Shukla

Prateek Shukla is a multi-talented content writer at Invessy, excelling in crafting comprehensive airdrop guides. With a background in web development, his passion for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies shines through in his clear and concise writing. Prateek's expertise empowers readers to navigate the dynamic world of airdrops with confidence, making him a trusted name in the crypto community.

Articles: 63